House 3. Doors 1-7. Text

The installation House 3 / Doors 1-7 uses the seven entrances to the Obere Hirschgang studios as part of a flip book whose
filmic qualities would be revealed at a virtual walking speed of around 600km/h. The individual pictures visualize what is
normally hidden behind wall and door: a small vestibule that leads to the studios on the ground floor or to the living area
on the upper floor, which is reached by a spiral staircase. Each of the seven anamorphic images requires that the viewer
stand in a certain place, where one can see the undistorted, real geometry of the vestibule. This point shifts, however, from
door to door, so that when one moves along at the right speed, looking at the right selection of images, the result is a film
sequence of a door, which the viewer moves away from in the opposite direction.
Thus, this piece affects the space and perception in several different ways. Initially flattened into a picture, it is seen seven
times where, without the help of pictures, the space would normally be hidden. At the right speed and with the right
selection of pictures, which can only be created virtually due to the given spatial conditions, these pictures are condensed
into a “film.” In the process the real doors become a single one in an optical illusion, and the enormous velocity that would
be necessary to create the “film” does not only slow down, but merely turns around and goes in the opposite direction.

← House 3. Doors 1-7